Most current listing of ACA Events can be found on the ACA MeetUp page found here:
ACA Events Calendar
Explore a wide range of courses, events, and meetups offered by ACA instructors, guides, and leaders. This calendar also features exciting gatherings from local and regional ACA-affiliated groups. It’s definitely worth adding to your bookmarks!
If you would like to add an ACA affiliated event to our calendar, please let us know. Submit events to:
*Please contact the event host directly for details and registration.

- This event has passed.
***Canceled*** Free ACA Intro to Canyoneering @ Arizona Canyon Rendezvous
April 15, 2020
This free Canyon Intro Course will take place at the 2020 Arizona Canyon Rendezvous held at Grapevine Group Site, Roosevelt Lake, Hwy 188, Globe, AZ, led by Arizona Rock & Canyon Adventures
Join your fellow canyoneers for a weekend of technical skills workshops, in-canyon practice, and canyons-canyons-canyons!
In-Canyon & Classroom Workshops Include:
Free Canyon Intro Course on Wednesday, April 15
– Open to all 2020 Arizona Canyon Rendezvous participants
More details to follow as the event gets closer.
• By signing up for and/or attending this Meetup event, you acknowledge, understand, accept, and agree that: Canyoneering and other outdoor activities can be dangerous and can cause serious bodily injury and possibly death; The organizers of this meetup and current and former members cannot be held responsible or liable in any way for the actions of any participant – including you – at any event; You release and forever discharge the organizers jointly and severally from any actions, causes of actions, claims, damage, loss including death or injury which may be sustained from participating in this Meetup event.
• All attendees are participating at this event at their own risk and are solely responsible for any damage to their property, and/or any injury or loss in whatever form to themselves or their guests.
• By signing up for and/or attending this Meetup event, you affirm that you understand this disclaimer and release and that you knowingly and voluntarily agree not to bring any type of claim including a lawsuit or other action arising out of or related to this Meetup event against the organizers of this Meetup group.