2024 ACA Guide/Leader/Aspirant Rendezvous Schedule


The ACA Guide Leader Aspirant Rendezvous is coming up!

Here’s a look at the 2024 GLAR General Schedule and some important information to help things run smoothly. Please read the following items carefully and arrive prepared to contribute to all of our success.

Basic Q & A:

How do I check-in to GLAR?
Find Host Amie or Alex and they will have some basic paperwork to fill out AND a swag bag with some treats, courtesy of the ACA and Excursions of Escalante.

  • If you have not RSVP’d for this event and would like to attend, please CLICK HERE to RSVP and submit payment.

Where do we stay?
The town has many great options….BUT, this year we are offering free camping at Excursions of Escalante / ACA HQ. There is ample space for tents and a few spots for camper vans / small trailers. We will have bathrooms, hand washing stations and a kitchen-dining area to use. Maybe a shower too….we’ll see how that project goes:)

Who Drives to the canyon?
To minimize impact and potential vehicle issues, we highly recommend carpooling to the training areas. Good clearance and good tires are required to get to most of our training sites.

What time will we be returning to the Shop, approximately?
Typically, returning sometime between 4-5:30pm. Instructors will not rush to “make it back”, so bring plenty of water-food for a full day. Sunday will have shorter options.

Best ways to communicate?
When people arrive I propose that we start a WhatsApp or Text group to pass pertinent info and updates quickly-easily. There are privacy issues that play a role, no problem for those who want to opt out. Let’s coordinate when folks arrive.

What if I miss the First Meeting (8am, Oct 4)?
No problem, getting here safely is most important. Check in with Host Amie upon arrival and we will get you set up.

What training activities will be appropriate for my skill level?
There will be a variety of technical skill training available and many opportunities to apply new skills in a canyon environment. Review the simple requirements below and the full schedule of activities to begin considering your best options.

How do I make my Group Selection?;
Group 1: Those here for assessment (L1 – L2)
Group 2: Open to certifications levels (L3 – L8)
Group 3: Open to Assistant Canyon Leaders – Pro Guide (L4 – L8)

How do I sign up for a Group?

Each morning there will be a sign up board to use.  It will have listed the name of the instructor, skills being taught and any other pertinent information. Please sign-out and back-in each day using these boards.  They help us track where people are and IF they have returned.

Schedule of Activities:


4:00pm camp spots open
6:00pm Early check-in / meet and greet
8:00pm Meeting for Instructors / Assessors


7:30am Shop open / check-in
8:00am Opening Meeting / Safety briefing
8:30am Organize into Groups/Depart

Group 1: Aspirant Assessment Prep
Group 2: Mechanical Advantage Intro / Converting static to dynamic
Group 3: Advanced Anchors

Evening Workshops:
7:00pm Weather / Flood Assessment. Open to ALL Levels (L1 – L8)
7:00pm Assessors Training. Open to Assistant Canyon Leader – Pro Guide (L4 – L8)


7:30am Pro Pancake Breakfast
8:15am Daily meeting / safety briefing
8:30am Begin Training / Assessment.

Group 1: Aspirant Assessment
Group 2: Rescue Intro / Natural Anchors
Group 3: Advanced Rescue. Pick Off’s including top down, bottom up, guided rappel.

Evening Fun:
6:00pm Catered Dinner
6:30pm Guest Speaker
7:00pm Technical Games / Challenges


7:30am shop open
8:00am Daily meeting / safety briefing
8:30am Begin Training

Option 1: Pot hole Intro ½ day
Option 2: Pot hole Intro ¾ day
Option 3: Pot hole “Big Day”

That should be enough to get us started.

Stay tuned for updates,

Rick Green, ACA President

  • If you have not RSVP’d for this event and would like to attend, please CLICK HERE to RSVP and submit payment.